Monday, June 25, 2012

Sikkim.. through my lens part 3

Sikkim was a complete package. Made new friends, tried the local cuisine, listened to some amazing Nepalese song, shopped to hearts content, clicked some good pics and came back with a lot of memories.  

The pictorial journey continues.. 

Washroom anyone??

Wooden houses were a common sight. 

Grocery shop selling liquor! Well, its legal here. Liquor helps to beat the cold you see :D

A view outside a house!! OMG!! 

Another personal favorite 

For once it was not the Nair chai shop, this one was run by the Army and they make great chai :)  

Mama.. I don like this lady clicking my picture.. I dont want to go to school! 

3 naughty boys who were trying to sell guavas to us. The little one looks like Denice!

Im not done yet, one more to go :) 

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